We are NE of Drumheller. Worried about lack of native bees this spring. Lots of blossoms on haskaps and Nanking cherries but only 6 to 8 bumble bees at best. Other native species absent. No bees gathering pollen in the willows earlier. Worrisome as we usually have a good number and variety of native species. Have others made similar observations. Might make for poor berry crops among other problems.
17 May:
1. Mixed flocks of Chipping and Clay-coloured Sparrows going through. National Geographic bird books mentions that the two species often migrate together.
2. First American Goldfinches at feeder. On the 19th there were 8 males and one female.
18 May:
Last White-crowned Sparrow at feeder. Number had dropped off the last few days.
19 May:
See straggler Sandhill Crane and Tundra Swan on wetlands west of Byemoor.
I have attached a picture of a Clay-coloured Sparrow at the finch feeder. Can get decent results with point and shoot camera if there is good light and one is close.
Stay well,
