On May 21 2020, in the driving rain, seven observers in four vehicles spent a total of an hour and a half on the annual Shuckburgh Slough spring bird count. About 195 birds from 21 species were counted.
These were:
32 Canada Geese
22 Mallards
2 Blue-winged Teals
5 Northern Shovelers
4 Green-winged Teal
1 Canvasback
7 Redheads
5 Ring-necked Ducks
6 Lesser Scaups
5 Ruddy Ducks
31 Eared Grebes
2 Soras
11 American Coots
13 Black-necked Stilts
4 Black Terns
1 American Crow
1 Killdeer
17 Tree Swallows
1 American Robin
21 Red-winged Blackbirds
4 Yellow-headed Blackbirds
Uniquely Canadian plants and animals (300+) not found anywhere else in the world. Check out the link below.