
Buffalo Lake Nature Club
Caring for Stettler & Surrounding Nature Areas
Since 1973
Celebrating 51 years of nature advocating, educating, learning, and exploring!
We welcome all interested in nature to our monthly meetings and nature walks.

2019 Christmas Bird Count
DECEMBER 15, 2019 Stettler Circle
We will set the groups and routes and send you on the way to make observations of birds and other species in your area. Each group will receive a map and Bird Canada information and the bird checklist.
Have a fun visit with your route mates and enjoy counting and keeping a watch out for those special sightings. At 4:30 pm head back to the hall where we will compile all the data. AND about 5 pm we will enjoy the Annual Potluck Christmas Dinner. If you can't make it to the count please come to the potluck. Everyone welcome to the dinner please invite family and friends for this time of fellowship.
The Stettler circle includes the towns of Stettler, Botha, areas of Leahurst, and Warden. If you live in this area or are driving in this area and would like to help with the count the more eyes the better. If you live in the area and have bird feeders please consider counting at your feeder for 30 minutes or more and submitting the data to us. Please see information on the counting and of course you are also invited to the potluck.
Thanks to the 19 participants of the 2019 Stettler count we had a great day

Dec 22, 2019,
Buffalo Lake Circle Christmas Bird Count
Meet: Charley Birds, Erskine
Time: 1 pm
Area covered counties of Stettler, Camrose, and Lacombe areas include Mirror, Pelican Point and Rochon and White Sands, areas surrounding the lake.
December 29, 2019
Red Deer River Bird Count
Meeting Place: Waverly Club Room, Alberta Ave and Main Street Erskine
Time: 8:30 am
The area includes Red Deer and Stettler counties surrounding the Red Deer River area. This includes Erskine, Nevis, Tail Creek, Wood Lake, Ewing Lake


Christmas Bird Count
December 2018
Buffalo Lake Nature Club
Stettler Circle - Sunday, December 16
Buffalo Lake Circle – Sunday, December 23
Red Deer River Circle – Sunday, December 30
You can help monitor North America's birds! To be involved in the Christmas Bird Counts, contact the local compiler at
You may participate as either a field observer or feeder watcher somewhere within the count circle. Field observers cover a portion of the count circle on their own or with a small group, counting all birds they find. Feeder watchers count birds at their feeders for a portion of the day.
When you register, compilers will want to know how comfortable you are with identifying winter birds. A great way to learn the winter birds is to join a group of field observers for the day. No experience is needed, just sharp eyes and your time commitment.
December 23, 2018 at 1 PM meet at Charley Bird Residence in Erskine where we will divide into field observer groups. Groups will drive various routes within the 24 km diameter circle to look for our feathered friends who are around for the Christmas season. About 4 pm return to the Bird Residence for beverage and snack while we compile the results. Please bring a light snack
If you live within the circle but can not make it out for the count please consider watching your back yard bird feeders and sending us your observations.
Other counts on Dec. 23 with compiler contact:
Circle 15 (Alix, Nevis, Ardley, Great Bend) call Claudia 587 877 2217
Circle 5 (Coghill, Haynes, Joffre to Red Deer River) call Marie 403 598 1017
Central Alberta Christmas Bird Counts with Red Deer River Naturalists
December 30, 2018 Cancelled do to wind snow and weather conditions
the Red Deer River Bird Count has will be Mark Higgins
Meet at the Waverly Club Room, Main Street and Alberta Ave, Erskine at 9 am - 12:30
It would be nice to have 4 or more drivers as this area has many dead end roads due to the river valley, making it longer to cover.
The same formate will be followed ending about 12:30 for light refreshments.
Again if you live in the Red Deer River Circle and cannot make it to the event but can watch birds at your feeder for a hour or so Please send us your observations

Christmas Bird Count 2017

Buffalo Lake Nature Club Christmas Bird Count 2017
The Buffalo Lake Nature Club is requesting any local residents who enjoy watching and /or feeding birds to help us with the 3 Christmas Bird Counts in our area. Each circle is 24-km wide, so there is a lot of ground to cover to spot the birds!
If you would like to count, please contact Chris Pfeifle at 403-740 3636.
Knowing who is counting and where, prevents overlap of counting areas.
If you have family, especially grandchildren visiting for the holidays, this is a great way to engage the family in nature and the outdoors.
You may participate by watching at your feeders, while driving or using any mode of transportation or when out for a walk in your local area.
Counters record the species and numbers of all wildlife, how long they observed and how many people were participating. Driving or walking distance is recorded, as are the high and low temperatures, snow depth, wind and sky conditions. You may count anytime between 9 AM and 5 PM, with no minimum time required – even 15 minutes is helpful. You can also Owl, which is counting before 9:00 AM or after 5:00 PM. Information on Christmas bird counts can be found on the website
On December 17, In the Stettler area, the Buffalo Lake Nature Club will do the Stettler Circle. This area includes the town of Stettler, East to Botha, west to Shuckburgh Slough, South past Warden to Ross Lake Road and North to Highway 601 East of Red Willow. These areas are very large so more people observing in their area helps to have more accurate data.
If you are living in this area and enjoy watching birds at your feeders and while you are out driving please consider keeping a record and submitting your findings. If you would like to join us in a driving route, the more vehicles and eyes are always appreciated. We will be meeting at St. George's Anglican Church 4817-51 Street, Stettler at 1.p.m.
Anyone is welcome to submit their individual findings; you can also join us about 4:30 p.m. at the lower hall of St George’s Anglican Church for a potluck dinner and share our findings and rare and interesting sightings. You can also send your findings to
Join in the fun, spend a day focusing on nature and appreciate the wildlife near you by participating in the annual Christmas Bird Count. Map of the circle
Check for more information on meeting places for the other Buffalo Lake Nature Club bird counts:
December 24, Buffalo Lake Count -North of Township Rd 39 -2 South of Highway 53 East Rg Rd 202 and West to the village of Mirror. This area also includes: Pelican Point, White Sands, Rochon Sands, and The Narrows.
Map of the circle
December 31,Red Deer River Count -South of Twp Rd 392 North of Twp Rd 364 West to Rg Rd 230 and East to Rg Rd 204 including Erskine Lakes, Foxall Lakes, Ewing Lake and the Red Deer River, Erskine, and Nevis.
Map of the circle
These circles are especially difficult for us to cover due to the difficult terrain, so if you live in the area and would be interested in submitting your observations we would greatly appreciate the assistance. Please send us an email with your sightings or join us after for refreshments (Place and time TBA)
For information on the Buffalo Lake Nature Club bird counts and our regular monthly meetings and activities Call Chris Pfeifle at 403-740-3636 and check out the website.
Short version:
Buffalo Lake Nature Club December monthly meeting moved to December 17 for the Christmas Bird Count 1 - 6 pm for count and potluck dinner.
Dec. 24 Bird count of Buffalo Lake area
Dec. 31 Bird Count of Red Deer River, Tail Creek, Ewing and Erskine Lakes area
Jan. 18 2018 7 pm Monthly meeting
For further information email website or call Chris at 403 740-3636