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Thank you to Noah, from Ms. Wagner's online class, for reminding us that we may be aware of the nature in our own backyards; however, there is a whole world out there to discover. Here is a link he sent of bird identification in the U.K.

J.J. Collett Natural Area is located in rural central Alberta in the Aspen Parkland region about 4 kilometres south of the hamlet of Morningside (or over 16 km south of the town of Ponoka).


All 635 acres consist of varied plant communities residing over ancient sand dunes. There is over 18 km of maintained walking trails. A mosaic of shrublands, trembling aspen groves, stands of white spruce and moist shady hillsides, wetlands and grassy meadows are typical features of the area. 

Ellis Bird Farm


Located in the heart of central Alberta just 10 km east of Lacombe, the Ellis Bird Farm is both a working farm as well as a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Mountain Bluebirds, Tree Swallows and other native cavity-nesting birds.


Drop-in visitors and tour groups are welcome during the summer months of operation (from May to September).


Take a stroll down the trails, enjoy the beautiful gardens, take a tour out to the bluebird trail, and visit the world’s largest outdoor collection of bluebird nest boxes.


Don't forget to check out the Visitor Centre and linger in the Tea House. 


Medicine River Wildlife Centre


The Medicine River Wildlife Centre is a wildlife hospital and environmental education centre dedicated to assisting distressed wild animals to return back to their natural environment.


Each year thousands of wild animals are injured, orphaned or compromised. Most of these are a result of human activities. Many of these animals can be rescued, treated and released back into their natural habitat.


Their goal, through all their programs, is to connect people with nature and instil a sense of respect and appreciation for its beauty and fragility.


Alberta Lepidopterists' Guild



The Alberta Lepidopterists' Guild (ALG) is a non-profit society made up of amateur and professional Lepidopterists. Our objective is to support and encourage the study and appreciation of Alberta Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths).

Nature Alberta

Wilson's Snipe, Leo's Lake, 17 May 2007.

Nature Alberta is a community connected by a love of nature.


First known as the Federation of Alberta Naturalists when it was formed in 1970, today it is a thriving organization that bolsters over 40 naturalist clubs that represent thousands of individuals united in their passion, respect, and love for nature. 


 Nature Alberta's focus is on helping Albertans to learn about, experience, and protect the native wildlife and ecosystems in Alberta.

Red Deer River Naturalists

Papilio machaon dodi.jpg

Regular meetings are held at 7:30 pm on the fourth Thursday of most months at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre (6300 -45 Ave. Red Deer)


Non-members are welcome! 

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