Buffalo Lake Nature Club
Caring for Stettler & Surrounding Nature Areas
Since 1973
Celebrating 51 years of nature advocating, educating, learning, and exploring!
We welcome all interested in nature to our monthly meetings and nature walks.
Check out the Christmas Bird Count page in the menu bar
December 16 - Buffalo Lake Nature Club Annual Christmas Bird Count (Stettler area) and Potluck Dinner
December 23- 1 pm Christmas Bird Count - Buffalo Lake area Charley Bird Residence Erskine
December 30 - 9 am Christmas Bird Count -Red Deer River area Waverly Club Rooms Main Street and Alberta Ave. Erskine
Buffalo Lake Nature Club November 15, 2018 meeting
Everyone is welcome to attend this informative meeting
St. George's Anglican Church (lower hall) 4817-51 St, Stettler
7pm refreshments will be served.
Fungi of Rochon Sands Provincial Park
a power point presentation by
Dr. Charley Bird
Lycoperdon pyriforme, aspen woods, Rochon Sands Provincial Park, AB.jpg
Oct 18, 2018 Meeting poster
Sept. 20 2018 meeting 7pm
Please join us for the first meeting of the season.
Enjoy our guest speaker on her adventures
Banding Birds.
A few words from Susanne Maidment ;
The natural world continues to amaze and excite me. Banding passerines and owls gives me the opportunity to travel Canada, volunteering at migration monitoring stations, while getting up close & personal with birds. In 2006 I began banding hummingbirds, who are truly the flying jewels of the world. Each is a tiny miracle of nature. In addition, I maintain a bluebird trail near Calgary, teaching monitoring and banding to people eager to participate in the world of birds.
Alix Lake Nature Trail Aug 12, 2018
On August 12th, several hearty souls met up with Amie Priegnitz from the Alix Nature Trail Society. We ventured out on the trail to seek out fungi and learn about some hidden 'secrets '. The Red-Tailed Hawk we encountered needed assistance and was transported to the Medicine River Wildlife Centre.
Results May 2018 Species Count
Meeting April 19, 2018
7 p.m. St George’s Anglican Church Lower Hall
4817-51 St. Stettler
Everyone is welcome to attend all our meetings
Learn more about Owl Surveys , The Erskine/Ewing Lakes Important Bird Biodiversity Area, World Migratory Bird Day and other exciting Club events planned for the next month. Share your spring sightings during our roll call and enjoy light refreshments after the speaker
Bradley Peter is a Professional Biologist and the Executive Director of the Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS). ALMS works to promote the understanding and comprehensive management of lakes, reservoirs, and their watersheds. Their flagship program, LakeWatch, partners with the public to collect data and information to increase knowledge of lake functions and management options. Bradley has spent time as a field technician collecting data on lakes across Alberta, and six years coordinating citizen science programs for ALMS.
This presentation will provide an overview of citizen science monitoring of lakes in Alberta, with a focus on Buffalo Lake and the Red Deer River Watershed. New technology used to monitor lakes as well as emerging threats to aquatic ecosystems will be explored.
Long time
Buffalo Lake Nature Club Member Marion McCarty reading the Stettler Independent article on the December 2017 Christmas Bird Count