Buffalo Lake Nature Club
Caring for Stettler & Surrounding Nature Areas
Since 1973
Celebrating 51 years of nature advocating, educating, learning, and exploring!
We welcome all interested in nature to our monthly meetings and nature walks.
Donate to BLN With These Cards
These cards are prints of a young local artist who is also a member of the Buffalo Lake Naturalist Club.
With each card purchased, one dollar ($1.00) will be donated to BLNC.
Price per card: $3.50
Contact Simone at 1(587)223-4896 to purchase your choice of one or more cards. Please remember to provide your mailing info to have them shipped to you.
House Sparrow
Pine Grosbeak
Eared Grebe with chick
Red-necked Grebe with chicks
American Robin
Great Blue Heron
Black-capped Chickadee
Pileated Woodpecker
Canada Gray Jay
White Pelican