Buffalo Lake Nature Club
Caring for Stettler & Surrounding Nature Areas
Since 1973
Celebrating 51 years of nature advocating, educating, learning, and exploring!
We welcome all interested in nature to our monthly meetings and nature walks.
2019 past events and minutes
Things you may have missed during the summer of 2019.
Please use the drop-down menu for more activities and past meetings
November 21, 2019
Monthly meeting Guest Speaker:
Nov.21, 2019 @ 7 pm
Our next meeting will host Keyra Hawley - Environmental and Wildlife Specialist! She'll speak about how ATCO is minimizing its impact on wildlife.
Hope to see you there!
We will also be planning the potluck dinner and Christmas Bird Count for Dec 15, 2019.
The Dec. 22 Buffalo Lake Bird Count and the Dec. 29 Red Deer River Bird Count will also be discussed.
Nature Alberta is excited to present our upcoming Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas Workshop!
You're invited on October 25 + 26, 2019 to join in on an eBird tutorial, hear about experiences from current IBA Caretaker's, join in on round table discussions and ultimately to connect with the birding community. The location of the event will be held at the Quality Inn and Conference Centre 7150 50 Avenue, Red Deer.
This event is intended to foster conversation and insight into the Important Bird and Biodiversity Program. Please pass this along to interested members of your organization. Nature Alberta is truly looking forward to connecting with fellow avian + nature enthusiasts!
Cost $20 plus service fee Tickets are NOT available at the door
Watch for a summary update of this event
Oct 17, 2019
Monthly Meeting
7 p.m.
St George's Anglican Church basement 4817 - 51 St. Stettler
Guest Speaker
Tim Schowalter
Exploring Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park
Tim’s presentation will include slides and information about the fossils, biota, and archaeology found in the park.
Tim has been visiting the park since 1963 and has been involved in palaeontological, archaeological, and biological work there with the University of Alberta, Alberta Fish and Wildlife, the Canadian Wildlife Service, the Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Royal Tyrrell Museum, and the Alberta Lepidopterists Guild Butterfly Survey.
Everyone is welcome to join us for this interesting presentation.
For more information
Facebook: BuffaloLakeNaturalists
Sept 29,2019, Several BLNC members enjoyed the Fall Walk at JJ Collette Nature Area. The weather was cool but our rainbow picture brightened us all up for the nature hikes. Please check out the link to JJCollette nature area on the links menu.
Sept.19, 2019
Monthly Meeting
7 p.m.
St George's Anglican Church basement 4817 - 51 St. Stettler
Guest Speaker
Ashley Thorsen
Royal Alberta Museum,
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
Mites and other soil organisms
September. 15, 2019
Big Knife Provincial Park
Meet at the Day Use Area
BYO Picnic lunch
After lunch, we will hike along one of the trails and enjoy the fall beauty of this park in the Battle River Valley.
Aug 25, 2019 Supper at Claudia's, followed by a hike around Alix Lake Nature Trail
Aug 12 ,2019 Potters Seep Walk. Buffalo Lake Moraine Conservation Area 18 kms North of Stettler on west side of Highway 56
July 7 2019 Dry Island Buffalo Jump Butterfly Count Report
Annual Potluck
June 20, 2019
6 pm Rochon Sands Provincial Park Group Picnic Area (in the campsite) watch for BLNC signs.
Please bring your own dishes, beverages, and lawn chairs.
Everyone welcome please bring your family and friends this is the last official meeting until we resume meetings on September 19, 2019.
Twenty people braved the rain and enjoyed an evening of sharing food and stories. The children proved they were not made of sugar and enjoyed nature in the rain.
Grand Opening of the Kuhnen Natural Area June 18, 2019
noon to 2 pm hosted by Lacombe County
South of Alix South of Highway 11 on Range Rd 23-0 Tours lead by Tim Schowalter, showing geology, plants animals of the natural area. Free BBQ.
Many BLNC members were present for this opening. Tim Schowalter lead an informative nature walk.
Lady Slipper Walk and optional Paddle
June 13, 2019
6 pm Meet at The Narrows Provincial Recreation Area
We will go on a short walk to observe the Lady Slippers and anyone who wishes to use a canoe may go for a short paddle.
If you do not have your own canoe/ kayak a few canoes, life jackets, and paddles will be available for use.
Please dress for the weather and bring bug repellent.
Thanks to everyone who came out for the walk. We enjoyed the walk and some people went for a short canoe paddle. Thank you to Erskine Recreation Board for the use of the canoes
May 16, 6 pm Species Count of Shuckburgh Wetlands
7 pm Regular meeting at St. George's Anglican Church
Guest Speaker: Dr. Michelle Gordy - Parasites and Swimmers Itch in Buffalo Lake
April 18, 2019, Regular Meeting
7 pm St George's Anglican Church Stettler
Guest Speaker: Tina McLean reported on her Citizen Science work with Lake Watch last summer taking water samples on Buffalo Lake. She also gave us a summary of the Alberta Lake Management Conference she attended in the fall.
March 21,2019 Regular Meeting
7 pm St George's Anglican Church Stettler
Guest Speaker Claudia Lipski: Report on the Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference she attended in Winnipeg
Buffalo Lake Nature Club
February Meeting February 21, 2019
7 pm
St George's Anglican Church 4817 53 St. Stettler
Speaker Linda Howitt-Taylor President of Nature Alberta
Buffalo Lake Nature Club
Annual General Meeting January 17, 2019
7 pm
St George's Anglican Church 4817 53 St. Stettler